
Module Contents#





Decorator to use xyzpy neutral style for a function.


mod_sat(c, mod)

Modify the luminosity of rgb color c.


color_to_colormap(c[, vdiff, sdiff])

get_default_cmap(i[, vdiff, sdiff])

to_colormap(c, **autohue_opts)


infiniplot(ds, x[, y, z])

Helper class for the infiniplot functionality.


xyzpy.plot.infiniplot.get_neutral_style(draw_color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))[source]#

Decorator to use xyzpy neutral style for a function.

xyzpy.plot.infiniplot.neutral_style(draw_color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), **kwargs)[source]#
xyzpy.plot.infiniplot._COLORS_DEFAULT = ('#56B4E9', '#E69F00', '#009E73', '#D55E00', '#F0E442', '#CC79A7', '#0072B2')#
xyzpy.plot.infiniplot._COLORS_SORTED = ('#0072B2', '#56B4E9', '#009E73', '#F0E442', '#E69F00', '#D55E00', '#CC79A7')#
xyzpy.plot.infiniplot.mod_sat(c, mod)[source]#

Modify the luminosity of rgb color c.

xyzpy.plot.infiniplot.color_to_colormap(c, vdiff=0.5, sdiff=0.25)[source]#
xyzpy.plot.infiniplot.get_default_cmap(i, vdiff=0.5, sdiff=0.25)[source]#
xyzpy.plot.infiniplot.to_colormap(c, **autohue_opts)[source]#
xyzpy.plot.infiniplot._LINESTYLES_DEFAULT = ('solid', (0.0, (3, 1)), (0.5, (1, 1)), (1.0, (3, 1, 1, 1)), (1.5, (3, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1)), (2.0,...#
xyzpy.plot.infiniplot._MARKERS_DEFAULT = ('o', 'X', 'v', 's', 'P', 'D', '^', 'h', '*', 'p', '<', 'd', '8', '>', 'H')#
class xyzpy.plot.infiniplot.Infiniplotter(ds, x, y=None, z=None, **kwargs)[source]#
init_mapped_dim(name, custom_values=None, default_values=None)[source]#

Plot lines of the data.


Create a legend for lines plot.


Plot a heatmap of the data.

xyzpy.plot.infiniplot.infiniplot(ds, x, y=None, z=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Helper class for the infiniplot functionality.

  • ds (xarray.Dataset) – Dataset to plot.

  • x (str) – Name of the x coordinate.

  • y (str, optional) – Name of the y coordinate. If not specified, histogram mode is activated and the values of x are binned to produce a density or frequency to use as the y-variable.

  • z (str, optional) – Name of the z coordinate. If specified this turns on the heatmap mode.

  • bins (int or array_like, optional) – If in histogram mode, specify either the number of bins to use or the bin edges. If not specified, a default number of bins is automatically chosen based on the number of data points.

  • bins_density (bool, optional) – If in histogram mode, whether to plot the density (True) or frequency (False) of the data. Default is True.

  • aggregate (str or Sequence[str], optional) – If specified, aggregate over the given dimension(s) using aggregate_method (by default ‘median’). If True aggregate over all unmapped dimensions. If in heatmap mode, this is automatically set to True, since only one plot can be shown per axis.

  • aggregate_method (str, optional) – If aggregate is specified, the method to use for aggregation. Any option available as a method on a DataArray can be used, e.g. ‘mean’, ‘median’, ‘max’. Default is ‘median’.

  • aggregate_err_range (float or str, optional) –

    If aggregate is specified, the range of the error bars or bands to show. The options are:

    • 'std': show the standard deviation of the data

    • 'stderr': show the standard error of the mean

    • float: show the given quantile range, e.g. 0.5 for the interquartile


  • err (str, optional) – If specified, a data variable to use for error bars or bands. This overrides any derived from aggregate.

  • err_style (str, optional) –

    If specified, the style of error to show. The options are:

    • 'bars': show error bars

    • 'band': show error bands

  • err_kws (dict, optional) – Additional keyword arguments to pass to the error plotting function.

  • xlink (str, optional) – If specified, the name of a dimension to use for linking the x-axis. Used when you are plotting a variable rather than coordinate as x, but want to link each sweep of values as a line.

  • color (str, optional) – If specified, the name of a dimension to use for mapping the color or intensity of each line. If hue is also specified, this controls the intensity of the color. If not a dimension, this is used as a constant color for all lines.

  • colors (sequence, optional) – An explicit sequence of colors to use for the color-mapped dimension.

  • color_order (sequence, optional) – An explicit order of values to use for the color-mapped dimension.

  • color_label (str, optional) – An alternate label to use for the color-mapped dimension.

  • color_ticklabels (dict or sequence, optional) – A mapping from values to tick labels to use for the color-mapped dimension.

  • colormap_start (float, optional) – If using a palette, the starting value of the colormap to use, e.g. 0.2 would skip the first 20% of the colormap.

  • colormap_stop (float, optional) – If using a palette, the stopping value of the colormap to use, e.g. 0.9 would skip the last 10% of the colormap.

  • hue (str, optional) – If specified, the name of a dimension to use for mapping the color or hue of each line. If color is also specified, this controls the hue of the color. If not a dimension, this is used as a constant hue for all lines.

  • hues (sequence, optional) – An explicit sequence of hues to use for the hue-mapped dimension.

  • hue_order (sequence, optional) – An explicit order of values to use for the hue-mapped dimension.

  • hue_label (str, optional) – An alternate label to use for the hue-mapped dimension.

  • hue_ticklabels (dict or sequence, optional) – A mapping from values to tick labels to use for the hue-mapped dimension.

  • palette (str, sequence, or colormap, optional) – If specified, the name of a colormap, or an actual colormap, to use for mapping the color or hue of each line. If both color and hue are specified, you can supply a sequence of palettes here, with hue controlling which palette, and color controlling the intensity within the palette.

  • autohue_start (float, optional) – If not using a palette, the starting hue to use for automatically generating a sequence of hues.

  • autohue_sweep (float, optional) – If not using a palette, the sweep of hues to use for automatically generating a sequence of hues.

  • autohue_opts (dict, optional) – Additional keyword arguments to pass to the automatic hue generator - see {func}`xyzpy.color.cimple`.

  • marker (str, optional) – If specified, the name of a dimension to use for mapping the marker style of each line. If not a dimension, this is used as a constant marker style for all lines.

  • markers (sequence, optional) – An explicit sequence of markers to use for the marker-mapped dimension.

  • marker_order (sequence, optional) – An explicit order of values to use for the marker-mapped dimension.

  • marker_label (str, optional) – An alternate label to use for the marker-mapped dimension.

  • marker_ticklabels (dict or sequence, optional) – A mapping from values to tick labels to use for the marker-mapped dimension.

  • markersize (str, optional) – If specified, the name of a dimension to use for mapping the marker size of each line. If not a dimension, this is used as a constant marker size for all lines.

  • markersizes (sequence, optional) – An explicit sequence of marker sizes to use for the markersize-mapped dimension.

  • markersize_order (sequence, optional) – An explicit order of values to use for the markersize-mapped dimension.

  • markersize_label (str, optional) – An alternate label to use for the markersize-mapped dimension.

  • markersize_ticklabels (dict or sequence, optional) – A mapping from values to tick labels to use for the markersize-mapped dimension.

  • markeredgecolor (str, optional) – If specified, the name of a dimension to use for mapping the marker edge color of each line. If not a dimension, this is used as a constant marker edge color for all lines.

  • markeredgecolors (sequence, optional) – An explicit sequence of marker edge colors to use for the markeredgecolor-mapped dimension.

  • markeredgecolor_order (sequence, optional) – An explicit order of values to use for the markeredgecolor-mapped dimension.

  • markeredgecolor_label (str, optional) – An alternate label to use for the markeredgecolor-mapped dimension.

  • markeredgecolor_ticklabels (dict or sequence, optional) – A mapping from values to tick labels to use for the markeredgecolor-mapped dimension.

  • linewidth (str, optional) – If specified, the name of a dimension to use for mapping the line width of each line. If not a dimension, this is used as a constant line width for all lines.

  • linewidths (sequence, optional) – An explicit sequence of line widths to use for the linewidth-mapped dimension.

  • linewidth_order (sequence, optional) – An explicit order of values to use for the linewidth-mapped dimension.

  • linewidth_label (str, optional) – An alternate label to use for the linewidth-mapped dimension.

  • linewidth_ticklabels – A mapping from values to tick labels to use for the linewidth-mapped dimension.

  • linestyle (str, optional) – If specified, the name of a dimension to use for mapping the line style of each line. If not a dimension, this is used as a constant line style for all lines.

  • linestyles (sequence, optional) – An explicit sequence of line styles to use for the linestyle-mapped dimension.

  • linestyle_order (sequence, optional) – An explicit order of values to use for the linestyle-mapped dimension.

  • linestyle_label (str, optional) – An alternate label to use for the linestyle-mapped dimension.

  • linestyle_ticklabels (dict or sequence, optional) – A mapping from values to tick labels to use for the linestyle-mapped dimension.

  • text (str, optional) – If specified, the name of a dimension to use for mapping text annotations to each line.

  • text_formatter (callable, optional) – A function to use to format data entries to text annotations. Default is str.

  • text_opts (dict, optional) – Additional keyword arguments to pass to the text plotting function.

  • col (str, optional) – If specified, the name of a dimension to use for mapping the subplot column of each line.

  • col_order (sequence, optional) – An explicit order of values to use for the col-mapped dimension.

  • col_label (str, optional) – An alternate label to use for the col-mapped dimension.

  • col_ticklabels (dict or sequence, optional) – A mapping from values to tick labels to use for the col-mapped dimension.

  • row (str, optional) – If specified, the name of a dimension to use for mapping the subplot row of each line.

  • row_order (sequence, optional) – An explicit order of values to use for the row-mapped dimension.

  • row_label (str, optional) – An alternate label to use for the row-mapped dimension.

  • row_ticklabels (dict or sequence, optional) – A mapping from values to tick labels to use for the row-mapped dimension.

  • alpha (float, optional) – Global alpha value to use for all lines.

  • join_across_missing (bool, optional) – If True, join lines across missing (NaN) data. Default is False.

  • err_band_alpha (float, optional) – Alpha value to use for error bands.

  • err_bar_capsize (float, optional) – Size of the caps on error bars.

  • xlabel (str, optional) – Alternate label to use for the x-axis.

  • ylabel (str, optional) – Alternate label to use for the y-axis.

  • xlim (tuple, optional) – Limits to use for the x-axis.

  • ylim (tuple, optional) – Limits to use for the y-axis.

  • xscale (str, optional) – Scale to use for the x-axis, e.g. ‘log’.

  • yscale (str, optional) – Scale to use for the y-axis, e.g. ‘log’.

  • zscale (str, optional) – Scale to use for a heatmap color dimension, e.g. ‘log’.

  • xbase (float, optional) – If xscale=='log', the log base to use for the x-axis.

  • ybase (float, optional) – If yscale=='log', the log base to use for the y-axis.

  • vspans (sequence[float], optional) – Sequence of x-values to use for vertical spans.

  • hspans (sequence[float], optional) – Sequence of y-values to use for horizontal spans.

  • span_color (str or tuple, optional) – Color to use for spans.

  • span_alpha (float, optional) – Alpha value to use for spans.

  • span_linewidth (float, optional) – Line width to use for spans.

  • span_linestyle (str, optional) – Line style to use for spans.

  • grid (bool, optional) – Whether to show grid lines.

  • grid_which (str, optional) – Which grid lines to show, either ‘major’ or ‘minor’.

  • grid_alpha (float, optional) – Alpha value to use for grid lines.

  • legend (bool, optional) – Whether to show a legend.

  • legend_ncol (int, optional) – Number of columns to use for the legend.

  • legend_merge (bool, optional) – If True, combinations of different mapped properties are merged into list of every combination.

  • legend_reverse (bool, optional) – If True, reverse the order of the legend entries.

  • legend_entries (sequence, optional) – An explicit sequence of legend entries to use.

  • legend_labels (sequence, optional) – An explicit sequence of legend labels to use.

  • legend_extras (sequence, optional) – An explicit sequence of extra legend items to add.

  • legend_opts (dict, optional) – Additional keyword arguments to pass to the legend plotting function.

  • title (str, optional) – A title to use for the plot.

  • axs (sequence[sequence[matplotlib.Axes]], optional) – An explicit array of axes to use for the plot, it should have at least as many rows and columns as there are mapped dimensions.

  • ax (matplotlib.Axes, optional) – Shortcut for supplying a single axes to use for the plot, can only supply if there is a single row and column.

  • format_axs (bool, optional) – Whether to format the axes to use the neutral xyzpy style.

  • figsize (tuple, optional) – Size of the figure to use if creating one (ax is axs is None). If not specified it is automatically computed based on the number of rows and columns.

  • height (float, optional) – Height of each subplot. Default is 3.

  • width (float, optional) – Width of each subplot. If not specified, it is automatically set to match height. Default is None.

  • hspace (float, optional) – Spacing between subplots vertically. Default is 0.12.

  • wspace (float, optional) – Spacing between subplots horizontally. Default is 0.12.

  • sharex (bool, optional) – Whether to share the x-axis between subplots. Default is True.

  • sharey (bool, optional) – Whether to share the y-axis between subplots. Default is True.

  • kwargs (dict, optional) – Additional keyword arguments to pass to the main plotting function.


  • fig (matplotlib.Figure) – Figure containing the plot (None if ax or axs is specified).

  • axs (sequence[sequence[matplotlib.Axes]]) – Array of axes containing the plot.