
Functions for systematically evaluating a function over specific cases.


case_runner(fn, fn_args, cases[, combos, ...])

Simple case runner that outputs the raw tuple of results.

case_runner_to_ds(fn, fn_args, cases, var_names)

Takes a list of cases to run fn over, possibly in parallel, and outputs a xarray.Dataset.

find_missing_cases(ds[, ignore_dims, ...])

Find all cases in a dataset with missing data.

is_case_missing(ds, setting[, method])

Does the dataset or dataarray ds not contain any non-null data for location setting?

parse_into_cases([combos, cases, ds, method])

Convert maybe combos and maybe cases to a single list of cases only, also optionally filtering based on whether any data at each location is already present in Dataset or DataArray ds.