
Functions for systematically evaluating a function over all combinations.


combo_runner(fn[, combos, cases, constants, ...])

Take a function fn and compute it over all combinations of named variables values, optionally showing progress and in parallel.

combo_runner_core(fn, combos, constants[, ...])

combo_runner_to_ds(fn, combos, var_names, *)

Evaluate a function over all cases and combinations and output to a xarray.Dataset.

get_ndim_first(x, ndim)

Return the first element from the ndim-nested list x.


Take a nested sequence and find its shape as if it were an array.

multi_concat(results, dims)

Concatenate a nested list of xarray objects along several dimensions.


Take a single result of a function evaluation and calculate the same sequence of scalars or arrays but filled entirely with nan.

results_to_df(results_linear, settings, ...)

Convert the output of combo_runner into a pandas.DataFrame.

results_to_ds(results, combos, var_names, ...)

Convert the output of combo_runner into a xarray.Dataset.