

auto_iheatmap(x, **iheatmap_opts)

Auto version of iheatmap() that accepts array arguments by converting them to a Dataset first.

auto_ilineplot(x, y_z, **lineplot_opts)

Auto version of ilineplot() that accepts array arguments by converting them to a Dataset first.

auto_iscatter(x, y_z, **iscatter_opts)

Auto version of iscatter() that accepts array arguments by converting them to a Dataset first.


Decorate a plotting function to plot a grid of values.

bshow(figs[, nb, interactive])

iheatmap(ds, x, y, z, **kwargs)

From ds plot variable z as a function of x and y using a 2D heatmap.

ilineplot(ds, x, y[, z, y_err, x_err])

From ds plot lines of y as a function of x, optionally for varying z.

iscatter(ds, x, y[, z, y_err, x_err])

From ds plot a scatter of y against x, optionally for varying z.


AutoIHeatMap(x, **iheatmap_opts)

AutoILinePlot(x, y_z, **lineplot_opts)

Interactive raw data multi-line plot.

AutoIScatter(x, y_z, **iscatter_opts)

IHeatMap(ds, x, y, z, **kwargs)

ILinePlot(ds, x, y[, z, y_err, x_err])

IScatter(ds, x, y[, z])

PlotterBokeh(ds, x, y[, z])